The evidence supporting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 is extensively documented in the Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. In addition, members of the Advisory Committee and Federal support staff have published some of the work related to developing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in other formats, including peer-reviewed publications. These articles are provided below for reference.
Visit this page to see more peer-review publications from other editions of the Dietary Guidelines.
- de Jesus JM, Stoody EE, DeSilva DM, Quam JB, Obbagy JE, Anderson-Villaluz D, Rahavi EB, Adler ME, Lasswell TA, Beckman KA. Addressing Misinformation about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Am J Clin Nutr, 2024;119(5):1101-1110. Available at: doi:10.1016/j.ajcnut.2024.02.034.
- English L, Raghavan R, Obbagy J, Callahan E, Fultz A, Nevins J, Scinto-Madonich S, Reigh N, Stoody E. Perspective: Dietary patterns and health: Insights from NESR systematic reviews to inform the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. J Nutr Educ Behav, 2024; 56(1):75-87. Available at:
- Fisher R, Piercy KL, de Jesus JM, Reed P, Levine RL. Putting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans into Action through the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. Journal of Food Law & Policy, 2023;19(1). Available at:
- Obbagy J, Raghavan R, English L, Spill M, Bahnfleth C, Bates M, Callahan E, Cole N, Güngör D, Kim J, Kingshipp B, Nevins J, Scinto-Madonich S, Spahn J, Venkatramanan S, Stoody E. Strengthening research that answers nutrition questions of public health importance: leveraging the experience of the USDA Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review team. J Nutr, 2022;152(8):1823-1830. Available at:
- Spill M, English L, Raghavan R, Callahan E, Güngör D, Kingship B, Spahn J, Stoody E, Obbagy J. Perspective: USDA Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review methodology: Grading the strength of evidence in nutrition- and public health-related systematic reviews. Adv Nutr, 2022;13(4):982-991. Available at:
- Bailey RL, Stang JS, Davis TA, Naimi TS, Schneeman BO, Dewey KG, Donovan SM, Novotny R, Kleinman RE, Taveras EM, Bazzano L, Snetselaar LG, de Jesus J, Casavale KO, Stoody EE, Goldman JD, Moshfegh AJ, Rhodes DG, Herrick KA, Koegel K, Perrine CG, Pannucci T. Dietary and complementary feeding practices of US infants, 6 to 12 Months: A narrative review of the federal nutrition monitoring data. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021;S2212-2672(21)01384-8. Available at:
- Snetselaar LG, de Jesus JM, DeSilva DM, Stoody EE. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025: Understanding the scientific process, guidelines, and key recommendations. Nutr Today. 2021;56(6):287–295. Available at:
- English LK, Ard JD, Bailey RL, Bates M, Bazzano LA, Boushey CJ, Brown C, Butera G, Callahan EH, de Jesus J, Mattes RD, Mayer-Davis EJ, Novotny R, Obbagy JE, Rahavi EB, Sabate J, Snetselaar LG, Stoody EE, Van Horn LV, Venkatramanan S, Heymsfield SB. Evaluation of dietary patterns and all-cause mortality: A systematic review. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(8):e2122277. Available at:
- Nevins JEH, Donovan SM, Snetselaar L, Dewey KG, Novotny R, Stang S, Taveras EM, Kleinman RE, Bailey RL, Raghavan R, Scinto-Madonich SR, Venkatramanan S, Butera G, Terry N, Altman J, Adler M, Obbagy JE, Stoody EE, de Jesus J. Omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplements consumed during pregnancy and lactation and child neurodevelopment: A systematic review. J Nutr, 2021;151(11):3483-3494. Available at:
- Dewey KG, Güngör D, Donovan SM, Madan EM, Venkatramanan S, Davis TA, Kleinman RE, Taveras EM, Bailey RL, Novotny R, Terry N, Butera G, Obbagy J, de Jesus J, Stoody EE. Breastfeeding and risk of overweight in childhood and beyond: a systematic review with emphasis on sibling-pair and intervention studies. Am J Clin Nutr, 2021;114(5):1774-1790. Available at:
- Dewey KG, Pannucci T, Casavale KO, Davis TA, Donovan SM, Kleinman RE, Taveras EM, Bailey RL, Novotny R, Schneeman BO, Stang J, de Jesus J, Stoody EE. Development of food pattern recommendations for infants and toddlers 6-24 months of age to support the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. J Nutr, 2021;151(10):3113-3124. Available at:
- Schneeman BO, Ard JD, Boushey CJ, Bailey RL, Novotny R, Snetselaar LG, de Jesus JM, Stoody EE. Perspective: Impact of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report on the process for the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Adv Nutr, 2021;12(4):1051-57. Available at:
- Bailey RL, Ard JD, Davis TA, Naimi TS, Schneeman BO, Stang JS, Dewey KG, Donovan SM, Novotny R, Snetselaar LG, de Jesus J, Casavale KO, Pannucci T, Stoody EE. A proposed framework for identifying nutrients and food components of public health relevance in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. J Nutr, 2021;151(5):1197–1204. Available at: